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SEN Groups

Activities for SEN groups and adults with learning difficulties

Recreational and educational visits

The Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre makes an ideal recreational or educational visit for both children and adults with special learning needs or disabilities. Our innovative building with its famous grass roof is built on one level providing an airy, open environment for visitors, and a large part of the Onny Meadows attached to the centre is accessible to wheelchair users.

We have five activities which are led by a member of our Education Team. These appeal to a wide age range and to those with all but the severest of learning difficulties.

Most of the activities are designed for small groups (except Natural Art Gallery) but if your group numbers more than fifteen you can always split the group in half and repeat the activity in the afternoon. The half not working with a member of our Education Team can visit the exhibition, do a treasure hunt around the meadows or some shopping.

Mega Mammoth

Meet the Condover mammoth, become an archaeologist and make your own fossil. Examine fossil evidence of creatures from the past.

Availability: All year round
Duration: 1½ hours
Maximum group size: 15
Price: £71.50 + VAT

Natural Art Gallery

Using your senses, explore the natural world as a media for artistic expression and then help create a gallery in the meadows.

Availability: March – November
Duration: 2 hours
Maximum group size: 35
Price: £99 + VAT

Make Wild Music!

Create a sound CD and an orchestral score inspired by sounds heard around the meadows. Make your own instrument from natural materials.

Availability: All year round
Duration: 1½ hours
Maximum group size: 15
Price: £71.50 + VAT

Pond Dipping

Pond dipping is like opening Christmas presents – you never know what you might find!

Availability: March – November
Duration: 1½ hours
Maximum group size: 15
Price: £71.50 + VAT

Guided Meadow Walk

We create a bespoke experience for your group using, for example, tales like that of the Stokesay Giants or games such as tree hugging or viewing the world through the eyes of different meadow animals.

Availability: March – November
Duration: 1½ hours
Maximum group size: 15
Price: £71.50 + VAT
Distance to walk: 1½ km on the flat

Forest School Outing – A Grand Day Out

If you run a Forest School in your own grounds, we can organise a bespoke session here for you with a fantastic new environment to explore. The number of children will affect the type of activities we are able to offer. Your session can be connected to any part of the national curriculum.

Maximum group size: 70
Cost: dependant on size of group
Availablility: All year round


For more information, feel free to download our Education Brochure.

Education Brochure


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